Gastronomie fair-support for Producers

L’Associazione Italiana Sommeliers ha dato il via al progetto Gastronomie. Produttori dall’Italia avranno la possibilita’ di offrire i loro prodotti in fiere in Olanda riguardanti esclusivamente il settore professionale. Questo per prodotti come vino e cibo. I sommeliers saranno gli ambasciatori per i produttori e presenteranno i prodotti con le relative informazioni di vendita.

The Dutch Association of Italian Sommeliers started the Gastronomy project. Producers from Italy will get the possibility to offer their product on fairs in the Netherlands were only the professional market is involved, or other fairs. This for products like wine and food. The sommeliers will act as the ambassadors for the producers and present the products with sales information, translations and marketing.

De Nederlandse Vereniging van Italiaanse Sommeliers is een project gestart waarbij Italiaanse producenten hun waren kunnen aanbieden op Nederlandse professionele beurzen. De vereniging zal dan zorgen voor een stand en de producenten ondersteunen door b.v. vertalen / marketing / advies en bemiddeling met de importeurs horeca en eindconsument.
